Shisha Smoking Etiquette

Shisha Smoking Etiquette
3 min read

Taking a group trip that’s fueled by marijuana? Are you aware of the proper ways to enjoy hashish in a gathering? There are indeed guidelines specific to inhaling marijuana. It’s well known that consuming an outdoor shisha lounge Dubai is an upscale pastime and a fitting one.

Indulge in a friendly, relaxing, and pleasurable hookah encounter with your buddies. Consuming shisha has been a custom for five centuries, along with its own set of traditions. However, some of Shisha’s earlier customs have been lost as a result of modernizing the practice for young people. This is a guide to appropriate cigarette behavior that all users should adhere to. Let’s look into this:


Avoid Lighting Your Shisha Charcoal with a Cigarette.

It is considered rude to light a cigarette with your shisha charcoal in many parts of the world. If you engage in this behavior, others will perceive you as rude. As a result, it is best to avoid doing such things at all costs.


Handle Your Shisha Hose with Care after Usage.

Whether you are in a shisha lounge or any other setting, avoid leaving your shisha hose on the table or chair after smoking. Instead, delicately wrap it around the stem to shield the hose from potential damage. This act also signifies the conclusion of your smoking session.


Mindful Smoke Disposal: Avoid Blowing Smoke at Others.

Consciously refrain from blowing shisha smoke in the faces of fellow enthusiasts. This practice is generally unwelcome, as no one wishes to serve as your personal smoke receptacle.


Adhere to Hose Rotation Customs. 

In certain cultural contexts, passing the shisha hose directly to the person across from you is deemed ill-mannered. Instead, observe the formal rotation of the shisha hose in a clockwise direction.


Mind Your Hose Direction When Passing It On.

When passing the shisha hose to someone else, avoid pointing the hose directly at the person. Turn the mouthpiece away from the individual you are handing it to.


Consideration in Multi-Hose Scenarios.

If partaking in a multi-hose hookah session, allow others to complete their puffing before taking your turn. Blowing into the hose to force smoke up through your friend’s house and into their face is considered disrespectful in public gatherings.


Hygiene First: Embrace the Use of Mouth Tips.

Always advocate for good hygiene by utilizing mouth tips. If unwell, it is advisable not to engage in group shisha sessions.


Share the Puffing Time Equitably.

In a group setting, avoid selfish behaviors and ensure fair rotation. Each person typically receives 2-3 minutes per turn for puffing and passing. Refrain from monopolizing the session with prolonged attempts at creating smoke rings; save such endeavors for solo smoking sessions.


Lastly, adhere to the tradition of placing the hookah on the floor rather than on an elevated surface. This practice originated from the notion that hookahs symbolize objects of service, making pedestal placement unfavorable. While many shisha lounges in London strive to uphold these customs, occasional lapses may occur. It is essential not to compromise the experience for others. Abide by these fundamental shisha etiquettes to relish the rich culture of hookah fully. Reserve your table now!

Joana Correia

Snowboarder, coffee addict, band member, Vignelli fan and front-end designer. Performing at the sweet spot between art and mathematics to create not just a logo, but a feeling. I prefer clear logic to decoration.

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