A mole is a round, oval, or symmetrical-shaped skin pigmentation. It is usually brown, black, or skin-colored. Almost everyone around you has one or more moles except people with Albinism, and that is a whole new topic we will dive into some other time. Moles are physiologically skin pigment “melanin” concentrated on the body parts with the most sunlight exposure. Having melanin is the most normal thing, and not getting it spread out all over the skin evenly is the next normal thing. But, if the concentrated form of melanin or a mole starts showing “interesting” signs and symptoms, it’s an alarm your body has set off that needs medical attention as soon as possible. Visit Proderma, a mole removal clinic in Dubai.
Know the Difference Between the Normal and the Abnormal
Dubai is famous for its cosmaceuticals. There are many great dermatologists and mole removal clinics. People from all over the world get appointments here and register themselves for the best treatments. But to understand the dynamics of a mole going from being “normal” to “abnormal” or turning into something the world calls “cancer”, is important. So, you get the best treatment on time and save yourself from letting it get the best of you.
Without beating around the bush, let’s cut right to the chase; here are the signs and symptoms a mole exhibits that needs your attention right now!
The Shape
If your mole is neither round nor oval and does not align with the definition of mole given earlier, it is no longer a mole. In general, if your mole is not symmetrical, it’s best to get an appointment with the doctor.
The Border
If the border of your mole is not regular, blurred, or notched, and if the edges are wry, you definitely need a doctor’s attention.
The Color
If the color of your mole is not of a regular mole or if the color is not spread out evenly all over the mole, the alarm has really set off!
The Size
If the diameter of the mole is greater than six millimeters, it means the mole is getting bigger, and it is the most exclusive sign of cancer. It can be benign or sometimes be cancerous and end up being a tumor.
The Growth
If the mole starts growing and evolving into something strange or if it starts to grow in strange shapes, colors, or sizes, you are strictly advised to take the condition of your mole into consideration. See a doctor and quite literally save your life!
Take Away
Visit an aesthetic clinic Dubai such as Proderma, which is a bonus point for you since you have many options. Closing it all by stating significant statistics of deaths that occur from late diagnosis of cancer. It is always better to have a preventive approach than a treatment approach. Keep check of your body and health as much as you do about other things in life.